Knitting is an archetypal activity, as it is an art given to morals by the great goddess Athena. For thousands of years, women have practiced the textile arts. Textiles are a language that all women share, a language that we store in our deep ancestral or cellular memory. Knitting is in our jeans. Famous archetypal knitters include: the Fates, Penelope, Vasalisa, Ariachne, Brigette, Scarlette O' Hara, Queen Elizabeth II and Mary, Mother of Christ.
Empowerment comes from connecting to archetypal energy. There is a knowing in the hands, the psyche and the soul of the feminine, nurturing, creating from a deep source. There is a re-membering in the feel of the yarn, the rhythmic click, click, click of the needles. Knitting is a re-connection to the divine spark within, the creative matrix. It is an invitation to be mindful, to be present, to live each moment fully. Knitting is a metaphor for living your life moment by moment, stitch by careful stitch.
As the knitter knits, she is knitting herself together and nurturing herself. She is not only knitting together a garment, but also the seen and unseen, the conscious and the unconscious and light and dark in herself. She is creating from her deepest self, the creative matrix of the feminine.
To create means to feed our deep creative hunger to write, paint, sculpt, weave, to say our piece, to stand up for, put forward hopes and ideas and creations the likes of which the world has never seen before. It is immensely nourishing to reintegrate into our modern lives whichever ancient feminine patterns and principles of innate sensibility and cycles that enrich our lives now.
Once you encounter the secrets of the Knitting Goddesses you become one with the ancients at your shoulder, you will create projects that will endow you with power, beauty and strength . When you go to sleep you can look at your creation with love and keep those things that your cherish and give you love, and unravel those things that you wish to let go. Surrender your knitting to the goddess in the stars,and when you awaken in the morning you get another chance to recreate, re knit your life.