Grandmother Spider: An Archetypal Knitter

"The weaving way holds power"
There are many Epic Knitters in mythology, literature, art, but Grandmother Spider was one of the first and most prolific.
Her tale, like her web is spiral, bringing more elaborate worlds and possibilities into manifestation. Her story, her web is the spiral of life. Her ability and joy in creation is woven deep into the hearts and destiny of mankind. We can all learn from spider how and what to create in our sacred roles of Creators.
Spider is the Grandmother of Creation. The center of each creation you weave must be strong and well anchored; the center must hold if a world is to rest upon it. The center of what is human is our ability to perceive beauty and the divine. A strong delicate shimmering world of light, beauty, truth and justice is ours for the creating. Spider lives in this inter-dimensional shimmering center.
Like her, the patterns you weave can be changed instantly. You can choose to be limitless, to exist in a formless realm where you can spin tales, worlds and patterns of your own. She tells us that humans live, between form and formlessness; our potential is unlimited. Grandmother Spider creates always in a circle; circles always in spirals, reflecting even within her tiniest creations the grandeur of infinity and the secrets of life. Within the patterns of her webs are the maps of creation, the cosmos, and the laws of the universe.
Grandmother Spider teaches, when we begin with something small but well chosen we are actually making the momentous magic that will lead us from the familiar darkness of potential and uncertainty to a new and newly ordered reality. The secret of the universe lies in those awkward places, those meek unexamined crevices where the mother of the world is in her element. Legend has it that if you find a spiderweb and rub it into your hands you imbue her magic in your hand. Bring that magic to your knitting and watch it shine.
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