Athena: The Great Knitting Goddess

Athena is the original Knitting Goddess, the Goddess of Wisdom and Crafts.
She is associated with the sun, with her clear and brilliant mind. She is connected to the light of knowledge and the power of the strategic mind. As an archetype, Athena, is the pattern followed by logical women, who are ruled by their heads rather than their hearts. She is one who always "Keeps her head." She is cool headed and impervious to the slings and arrows of emotions.
As the Goddess of Crafts she made things that were both practical and esthetically pleasing. Her knitting skills required that both hands and mind work together. That she knew how to strategize her stitching and untangle herself from knotted yarn. That is why we call Athena the Great Knitting Goddess.
Athena, with her watchful eye makes sure our knits are lined up with our knits, our purls with our purls to make those cute little "V" patterns in our stitches. She guides us stitch by stitch to create something unlike no other with beauty and love. As a strategist she navigates us through those *$@$! complex patterns. .if only I could knit a fairisle sweater, do a buttonhole. . When we call upon Athena we access our ability to create even and perfect stitches.
As she is patroness of weaving, the spiraling snake head on her shield is the connection to the ancient, life giving power, and protective of yarn. The spindle, the most ancient symbol of the triple goddess and of fate, in addition to the masculine magical spear she carries. Her spear is the symbol of the battle, but of thr spritual warrior who can meet any challenges with grace and joy, while the spindle she carries allows her to skillfully weave all aspects of herself together. From Athena we can learn to weave together all aspects of ourselves, the dark and the light, as we weave and knit our yarn.
With the Athena at your shoulder, you will create projects that will endow you with power, beauty and strength. Ware her. . We are one!
Nice post. I'm doing something to share my work and experience in knitting too.
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