Empowerment through Knitting

What we can learn from these women is that it is possible to re-knit your life. Start anywhere. You don't have to have a clear idea of who or what you are going to be, but you have to create something for just for yourself. Like the knitting project that somehow went bad, frog it and knit the yarn into something new and exciting. Figure out what it is right now. This second. Try on lots of things to see what fits. Some things will, and some won't. It's like finding the perfect outfit. It fits. The interesting thing about this process is that while it seems as if you are searching for something in vain, that there is no method to your madness, something amazing is taking shape. The little things that seem insignificant begin to create a pattern. Just like the yarn that begins as a ball and turns into a magnificent one-of-a-kind creation, stitch by careful stitch can knit yourself a new life.